Besides all of the gorgeous corals and fish we saw right off shore at our hotel, I wanted to mention that our gorgeous resort was not the only thing Grand Bahama Island had to offer! Not by a long shot!
By day 1 we already had our weekly itinerary set up. We planned to see Lucayan National Park, Unexos, and Paradise Cove. We stretched it out so we had a day to relax at the resort, and then a day following of excursions, a day to relax, a day to go out. It really made for the most relaxing vacation I could have imagined.
Lucayan National Park was by far my most favorite thing about the trip to Grand Bahama Island.
We arrived to the park by cab on Sunday, which was a mistake in a way, because we had no idea how religious the Bahamians were! Nearly the entire island takes the day off on Sunday, so if you are going to Grand Bahama Island, don't plan any excursions likely they will be closed!
At any Rate Lucyan National Park was closed, and the cabbie seemed happy for us! She told us we now didn't have to pay the $3.00 admission, and we could just get in for free.
This was very scary because we were literately in the middle of nowhere, and there was not a soul in sight. I kept thinking that some evil drug guerrillas were going to jump out of the bushes and murder us.
Once though I let my mind rest, and took in where I was, I felt okay. Still though a bit on edge seeing that I had never in my life experienced such seclusion. It was just too weird!!!!
We walked into the park, which is mainly just a small dirt path with tons of different types of tropical flowers, and many species of orchids! I felt like Alice in wonderland!
The first path branches off into different directions, with adorable hand made wooden signs giving you a brief description of hat would be up ahead.
The first thing we experienced was the bat cave!!!! Now in NY, we would never be allowed to explore such a place without a guide. Yet here I was, about to travel down a small set of spiral steel steps, into a frigging bat cave!
Safety is your own priority, and it was what made me nervous, because we were alone! In the bat cave there are no railings, or anything to save you from possibly falling!
Once I was in though, and settled down, I was absolutely amazed at the sights around me. First and foremost, the bat cave was actually a cave with water. A small deck sits above the water for you to look into. Above your head you can see and hear the mob of bats squeaking and flapping about. Upset obviously that we were there.
The water in the cave was simply spectacular, seeing that the sun would shine in from the hole above making the water glow an odd eerie glowing color of green. I could see into the cave at all of the enormous fish swimming around.
I took in the scenery for about a half an hour before finally resurfacing. I had to look back, because I knew it would be the last time I'd see such a sight... well that is, until I return next year!
After taking in the bat cave, we realized that there were many different types of spiders all around us. It made me nervous, because I was in unfamiliar territory, and I had no clue if these guys were poisonous or not. At any rate though, the spiders made me squeamish, because they were no itty spiders like we have here in NY, these suckers were like the size of my hand! Damn things could probably catch birds in their webs!
At any rate, we next followed a sign that led to Ben's Cave.
We didn't get to actually go in too deep because there were absolutely no lights on, and I was afraid of what, or who could be in the cave. Not only that the entrance had a nice 4 foot spanned out cobweb, so I backed off pretty quickly. Next visit I plan on doing a tour.
I absolutely love, love, loved Lucyan National Park. A spectacular, secluded wonderland. However, across the street was where the real gem was, and I was saving that for last.
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